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ChoZen Symetri" Perfection 3-4-5 Conditioner is crafted for optimal hair health. More than just improving the hairs appearance, Perfection 3-4-5 Conditioner revitalizes dull strands, protects the hair, and calms irritated scalps. With Aloe Vera, several enriching vitamins and ocean-sourced moisturizers. Perfection 3-4-5 Conditioner hydrates and nourishes the hair while shielding it from harsh environments. Perfection 3-4-5 Cortitioner is also rich in essential minerals like Riboflavin, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Potassium, and lodine. And with the benefits of Mango Seed Butter, thisconditioner delivers the perfect balance of strength, moisture, softness and bounce to the hair.Sent from my iPhone
*Compairable to Basic Hair Care's Rapid Restoration Shampoo.

8oz Chozen Symetri Protein Conditioner

Excluding Sales Tax